Consultancy FAQs

What makes us different?

What makes our consultancy different?

What makes us stand out?

Actually, quite a lot and I’d be happy to discuss it in more detail with you when we meet. In the meantime, here’s a brief summary.

From one man bands to larger firms, there are a lot of consultants & marketers out there that tell a great story & promise wonderful things. What makes the Sales Growth Consultancy different is that our experience & expertise is in SELLING – first & foremost – from decades of successful experience “at the coal face”. Although we appreciate that branding, image, USPs & messaging (pick your favourate & latest marketing-speak jargon) are important, winning business is really where the rubber meets the road. Unless your sales & marketing delivers paying customers, it doesn’t mean a great deal (literally). So, we’ll make sure all these elements are in place, but we’ll also use our real world experience to help you close real business. We’ll also set up a sales development system that suits your business that is scalable & repeatable to continue your growth, ensuring the money you spend on business development is an investment, not a cost.

How much will it cost?

The Sales Growth Consultancy is not a franchise, but an independent consultancy, which means we do not have large license fees & royalties to offset – so you pay only for our expertise.

The initial discovery meeting costs you nothing, but the consultancy starts straight away – we believe in delivering value from the beginning. The sales & marketing analysis report we will produce at this meeting is yours to keep, whether you decide to continue with the engagement or not. If we don’t both agree that we have started adding value to your business at this session, then we will not proceed any further – so it costs you nothing! Consultancy sessions thereafter will be charged on a daily rate, or for some services, on an hourly basis. It may be that one session will be enough to set you on the path to achieving your sales growth goals, or it may be that a longer consultancy engagement is what’s needed. Either way, there is no contract tying you in – you can stop at any time. That means no risk to you or your business and we remain engaged only as long as we add value. You should also know that we only work with firms we believe we can help – & that’s partly what the discovery meeting’s all about. Sales & Marketing is an investment, not a cost & we are committed to excellence & delivering a return for your business that goes far beyond covering our fee.

What can I expect?

looking for help

looking for help

The process of consultancy will depend on the needs of your business. Together we will decide what we need to do to get to where you want to be. This will form the backbone of the consultancy & the plan we create together. Of course, every step must be based on what can realistically be achieved – the initial discovery session will make sure we’re both on the same page. We only work with clients when there’s a good match – so during the discovery meeting, if we believe the match is not right, we go our separate ways, still friends & at no cost to you.

Where there is need for additional resource or skills, we will either help you acquire them or step in to provide them. Unlike other consultancies, we’re not just backseat drivers. We’ve been in many selling situations in the real world & in your shoes many times – so we know what to do & how to do it, or how to get it done. We will provide as much hand-holding as you need.

How long will it take?

It depends on your industry, what you want to achieve, how quickly & what resources you have available. The consultancy engagement will last as long as long as we both agree it is delivering value with a positive return on investment – you do not pay in advance & there are no contracts that tie you in. You pay as you go, which eliminates your risk.

For a FREE sales & marketing audit – including summary report – or to find out more about how we can help your business to grow, get in touch on 07881 338468

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