10 ways to get over the fear of cold calling & make it work

10 ways to get over the fear of cold calling & make it work

Does the thought of making cold calls to prospective customers make your blood run cold, your heart race & your palms sweat? Do you avoid it all together because you can’t stand the thought of rejection? Well, you’re far from being alone. One of the most common mistakes I see is avoiding telemarketing all together, either through fear or misconception. Contacting new potential customers by phone remains an extremely important element of a blended lead generation strategy & one of the few that offers you direct control over the results, by scaling up or down, or by changing your approach. Done well, it remains one of the most productive & cost effective channels for your sales & marketing effort. My aim is to remove some of the fear & provide some tools to make it more effective for your business. 1. Getting your mind-set right Don’t mix up B2C (Business to Consumer) with B2B (Business to Business) telemarketing. The call you get from a double-glazing company as you’re sitting down to dinner or unwinding at the end of the day, is B2C telemarketing. B2B telemarketing is different. Two business people are communicating, one offering products/services to the other in order … Continue reading